2023 in the Rear View Mirror

Third classroom building constructed for Living Warer CT Pre & Primary
New cooking classes initiated in both vocational training centers
Weekly worship service by School Chaplain & Children’s Ministry Team
Hundreds of refugee children received new clothes and soap
Small Business Loan Program continues with amazing return rate
Women leaders taught to begin small discipleship programs
Women’s conferences
Health and First Aid education
4,737 souls heard the Gospel through Jesus Film Showing
Baking classrooms for vocational training centers in 2 refugee camps
Both vocational training centers get block classrooms and pit latrines
Mechanic classes were offered at both vocational training centers
Motor bikes provided for 10 pastors
99 first time professions of faith among primary school children
Children’s soccer team matches used as evangelism events
Saturday morning Bible club resulted in many new believers
The 100 acre farm produced 37,000 kgs of maize
Pastor’s conferences
Children’s conferences
Baptisms in UN tarpaulins

🎶 Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 🎶

God bless you for your faithfulness to support this work. The Lord is being glorified.

Your Sister in Christ,