Back to School in South Sudan

The UN has called the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan “the worst in the world”. More than one million internally displaced people are without food, water and shelter. Education is suffering, but it is a lesser priority than the basic survival needs. Yet Living Water Primary and Abundant Life Primary, two schools operated by Akot Christian Ministries’, continue to function normally. Morning prayers, a nutritious meal and a full academic schedule, including Christian Religious Education, make up the daily routine.

There is a notable feeling of positive energy upon entering the gates of each school compound. The children and the teachers are very eager to brag about their schools. A family atmosphere of love, acceptance and security is promoted in ACM schools. Our goal is to transform a community, and ultimately a nation, by developing leaders who are disciples of Christ.

ACM has added a grade level each year at both schools. This year, our eighth year, we will have our first graduates from Living Water Primary. Very few children graduate from primary school in South Sudan (less than 2%). Though we have no permanent building ACM schools are considered the best in Lakes State.

God has blessed the people of Akot through your prayers and financial support. We plan to begin the construction of our first school building at Living Water Primary next month. We desperately need your continued support. Investing in the children of South Sudan is a good investment,with eternal benefits. “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Proverbs 19:17

Mid-term Exams at Abundant Life

midterm_v1The school year begins in South Sudan in February, and ends in December. In July the students took a standardized exam, which is required by the government. Despite the two month delayed start date, Akot Christian Ministries proudly announced that all 600 students passed the exam. We are very proud of our students and teachers for their great effort to persevere. We appreciate the support of the PTA, the parents, and the community of Akot.


Living Water Helps the Displaced

help_displaced_v1Last Spring 500-600 families fled Akot after an inter-clan clash. They walked for many hours with only what they could carry. Without shelter, food or a clean water source, the IDPs needed help. LWCT provided a deep water well, 600 tarpaulins, vegetable seeds, soap and fishing supplies. The area is remote and we wondered how we would find our people deep in the bush. It was easy, the blue tarps could be seen from far away. ACM pastors have been ministering to them weekly.


Voice of Hope Primary in Paloc

voice_of_hope_v1Among the IDPs from Akot are many students from ACM schools. During our recent visit to Paloc I was requested to attend a meeting. Former ACM students had organized a daily prayer meeting. An older student voiced a very powerful plea for ACM’s assistance to help them continue their education. Also expressed was their fear of wild animals, and their lack of food. “Some of us now are malnourished due to loss of our nutritious meal.” A displaced ACM teacher is now volunteering his time with these children. ACM plans to help.