“Back to School”, is a theme proclaimed everywhere in the United States at this time of year. It has become almost as commercialized as Christmas. It means shopping for new clothes, shoes, backpacks, lunch boxes, and school supplies. Students and parents alike are excited, but for different reasons. ? Things are drastically different in South Sudan. The school year begins in February and ends in December. Only 1/3 of the nation’s children are attending school. Two million children are living in refugee camps. An estimated 2 million people are affected by famine. According to the United Nations 17,000 children have been “recruited” into military service since the beginning of a civil war in 2013. Some are as young as 7 years. However, by the grace of God, Akot Christian Ministries is able to continue primary school activities as normal. 795 children are receiving Christian primary education and a nutritious meal daily, in a nurturing environment. Although our 2 newly constructed schools only house half of the students, all 795 are enjoying new school furniture for the first time. After sitting on logs under trees for 11 years, the children have benches. The classes inside also have tables to use as desks. Abundant Life Primary and Living Water Primary are producing godly disciples who rank very high scholastically in South Sudan. To God be the glory! Thank you so much for partnering with us to bring hope for the future for South Sudan.
Mama Ayen (Ann Rao)
Mama Ayen (Ann Rao)