Apostle Paul, in Romans 10:15, quoted Isaiah 52:7 when he said, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news”. Generally speaking, feet have no particular aesthetic appeal, therefore both writers were referring to what these feet do rather than how they appear. Both Isaiah and Paul were hailing the arrival of messengers who bring good news.
Isaiah was referring to the news brought to the Israelites, who because of their unfaithfulness to God, had been in captivity for 70 years in Babylon. The wonderful news was that they were returning home to Israel because God had redeemed them.
On the other hand nearly 750 years later the Apostle Paul, was referring to the good news that Christ had redeemed mankind, and we could be reconciled to God and delivered from the captivity of sin. He applauded messengers who bring this good news to those who have not heard by calling their feet beautiful.
As a gangly teenager I was often the teased about having “poet feet” (Longfellows). Some teenagers have complexes over being too plump, too thin or having pimples. My issue was my big ugly feet. Therefore these verses really resonated with me after I understood the good news, and began to study God’s Word for myself. Nothing has changed about my “longfellows”, however now I am more focused on what they do than how they look.
Living Water Community Transformation is focusing on developing disciples at a very young age, and sending them out to carry the good news. Our preschool and primary school curriculum is biblically based and we carefully select teachers who are disciple makers.
We have recently equipped youth soccer teams from 33 churches. Their soccer matches are evangelistic events. The gospel is shared at each weekly match held all throughout Palorinya Refugee Settlement. Soccer, which is called football there, is widely popular in the camps. The matches always draw very large crowds.
Please pray for many refugees to receive the good news being brought to them, and that they someday may return home to South Sudan with beautiful feet, carrying the best news ever!
Generous donors are making it possible for us to deliver “Shoes That Grow” to the primary students at Living Water Primary in Palorinya Camp. These sturdy shoes adjust up to 5 sizes. That is some very good news too!
Primary School Children in Morning Devotion Gospel Presentation to Primary School Children Shoes that Grow 400 Soccer uniforms & Equipment