“Mama, the man who built the idol temple 8 years back came to our Christmas service. He wants to be baptized,” exclaimed Peter, the Pastor who oversees the churches in Paloch. On Christmas Day many people were baptized, and several others made first professions of faith. Such amazing stories are being reported from the church leaders in the communities where we serve in South Sudan.
Twenty churches gathered in 3 locations to celebrate the first coming of Christ. In these 3 locations there is an actual building and a well, whereas the other churches meet under a shade tree and have no water source. Bible classes for children have just begun at these 3 Baptist centers. These buildings serve as all-purpose centers for the communities.
The average Sunday attendance for the 20 churches is 180 people. Thirty-five men attend Christian Leadership training sessions 3 times per week in two different locations.
Isaiah prophesied 750 years prior to the birth of Christ, that at the second coming of our Lord, “gifts will be brought to the Lord Almighty from a people tall and smooth-skinned, from a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers.” Isaiah 18:7. There is no doubt that Isaiah is describing the Dinka people of South Sudan.
It is very exciting to see how the Lord is working out His plan to spread the good news of salvation to the far corners of the earth. Thank you for partnering with us to be a part of His great plan.
Nhialic abi thiei (Dinka for God bless you),
Mama Ayen (Ann Rao)