Count Your Blessings: Name them One by One 🎶

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57
Dr Arun Vedhanayagam, Gracia Sugantharaj, Ora Lee Keaton, Ann Rao, Dr Bala Rao, Marcia Steiner, Ruth Reilly, Dr John Rajanayakam

Many new professions of faith at every worship service in all 33 churches

35 children responded to altar call in weekly school worship service on November 10

Travel challenges don’t stop the mission!

Road congestion is another challenge in the refugee camps.

The Jesus Film in 17 heart languages is a powerful ministry tool among the refugees.

Celebrate Recovery groups have strong leaders now & are reproducing themselves

Saturday morning Bible Club is drawing over 400 refugee children.

Business women asked for group leader training to begin their own small discipleship groups

Better farming skills being taught to increase food production in refugee camps

Food distribution for most vulnerable refugees from the recent LWCT farm harvest

50 graduates from our tailoring schools receive advanced skills training.

Ladies enjoy full day of training on Biblical Marriage & Effective Prayer in 2 camps.

Primary and preschool teachers receive 4 days of advanced training.

Small men’s prayer group leadership training provided in 2 refugee camps.

Babysitting for mom to sew.

Runway for leaving the camps.

Beautiful Uganda from the air.

Our mailing address is:
Living Water Community Transformation
230 Sydney Drive
Goodlettsville, TN 37072