Dear Partners

Dear Partners,

Do you ever wake up on a Sunday morning and think, “I just don’t feel like making the effort to get to church today?” I know I have (and the COVID situation is making this rationalization even easier). Recently I learned about a situation that really put me to shame.
A South Sudanese friend sent a video of his friend Sarah, making her way to church. Joseph said, “Mama Ayen, this is what I see every Sunday morning.” His video clip was a bit long, but quite effective. It showed disabled Sarah crawling on her hands and knees down a long rocky road with flip flops on her hands. Sarah supports herself and her daughter, Saberin, by selling her homemade snacks and tea.
Joseph was more than happy to help us find a man who could construct a hand peddled tricycle for Sarah. After delivering the bike to Sarah he wrote a long letter of appreciation for Sarah. “She thanked, thanked, thanked, and thanked you all very much for the greatest gift she received today. ‘Thank you Lord for this gift of my legs. I will not be crawling on the ground, like before. Thank you Lord Almighty God for this blessing and thank you my people for doing this for me. May God be with you forever and forever.'”
Because of your generosity, LWCT is able to respond to many unexpected needs such as this. Thank you.

Your sister in Christ,
Ann Rao (Sagule)

He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10