What a joy it is to see how God builds His kingdom. Watching the refugees of Palorinya refugee settlement rise up and become missionaries to refugees in other camps is such a blessing. One of these rising stars is Alex Doru, a young man on fire for the Lord. He has committed himself to spreading the gospel to other camps both near and far. During the week Alex coordinates all of Living Water CT’s ministry projects in Palorinya. He spends his weekends as a traveling evangelist, using the Jesus Film in multiple languages and follows up with preaching and home visits. The following is his most recent report.
“Oh, it has been such a blessed week using The Jesus Film outreach in Bidi Bidi refugee settlement. It is one of the best outreaches. People responded positively and whole heartedly welcomed the Gospel. After hearing that I had come the crowd came early and waited eagerly. I was invited to show the film at six churches. Approximately 2,000 people viewed the film and heard the gospel. Many confessed faith in Christ, and we invited each to come to the local church. We were very thankful that none of the presentations were interrupted by rain. All the viewers remained until the end of the film.
The only challenge we experienced was that the roads were bad due to heavy rains. Some of the roads were flooded so much that we had to use a boat to cross. But thankfully the journey was totally safe. The leadership of the churches of Bidi Bidi were very appreciative of the program and requested that I return for another outreach to the other churches there.”
How can you help? I am so glad you asked.
The Bible contains many passages that relate to helping refugees, including welcoming strangers, showing hospitality, and caring for the vulnerable: Leviticus 19:34, Hebrews 13:1-2, Matthew 25:31-40, Romans 12:13 are just a few. My favorite one is Psalm 146:9, “The Lord watches over the foreigner, and sustains the fatherless and the widow.” Friends, there are so many widows and orphans in refugee camps. How does God take care of them? Through His people, you and I. We are His hands and feet.
If you would like to help with the many physical, emotional and spiritual need of these destitute refugees, we welcome your prayers and or financial contributions. You can do that by check to our address or through our website. The information about both is stated below. Your donation is sent to the field, Living Water Community Transformation has no paid staff or office space expenses.
Ann (Sagule) Rao
Founder & President