Walking, praying, studying, and eating is the order of the day for pupils at Abundant Life and Living Water Primary Schools in Akot. School is privilege that is highly valued in South Sudan. Even though these children have no shoes and no building, they are eager to learn.
They may be the poorest children in the world. The school lunch is typically the only food the children eat. And for many, their school uniform is the only clothes they own.
Thanks to generous donors we are providing as much as we can to help them have a better life.
After 9 years of holding classes under trees, our first school building was completed last year at Living Water Primary. We have just started construction on an identical structure at Abundant Life Primary.
These buildings are very important for continuous quality education. Classes are often disrupted during the 6 month rainy season. Pray that we can get as much as possible completed before the rains begin next month.
Your donation could make a big difference in the lives of these 700 students.
Help put a roof over their heads. Donate for the school construction.