“I’ll Be Home for Christmas”, the Bing Crosby hit from 1943, will not be heard in the refugee camps in Uganda. I am sure the South Sudanese living in the camps do dream of going home, but it won’t be happening this Christmas. LWCT is trying to make the best of their displacement period by equipping them spiritually and physically to return to South Sudan stronger than they were before they fled. Part of this goal involves assisting them to be less dependent on outside aid. Formal education, vocational training, improved farming skills, and small businesses are projects provided by LWCT and administered through the local churches. Recently 50 ladies were given 3 goats each for Christmas. This will enable them to begin their own small businesses. Within the year each lady will give 1 of their offspring to the church women’s ministry in the refugee camps to be given to 50 more ladies. These ladies were selected by the church association leadership from 5 associations in Morobi and Belameling refugee camps.
This amazing blessing for these ladies was made possible by a very generous family. May the Lord bless them richly for their sacrifice for these refugee families.
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. (Hebrews 13:16)