God’s Peace
Peace has come to South Sudan with the end of the civil war. However, true lasting peace comes only through knowing The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.
Living Water Community Transformation has made a noticeable difference in the lives of the people of Akot, through our ministries of Pastor and Church Development, Christian Education for Children and Women’s Ministries. Though hardships continue to plague our brothers and sisters there, their countenance reflects a change in spirit. July is an especially difficult month in South Sudan. It has been known as the “month of hunger”, and this year is no different. In addition to hunger, malaria is at its worse in July, as it is the middle of the rainy season. Apostle Paul explained how this tranquillity is possible in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Hope and a Future
Over the past 10 years much has changed in the lives of females in Akot.
Traditionally, the female’s role has been to bear children, carry water, cultivate, gather firewood and cook. There was no hope of receiving an education, or working outside the home. Girls typically began taking on adult responsibilities, such as caring for an infant and carrying water, as young as 6 years. Attending school has not been considered necessary, as she was needed at home. Culturally, as soon as the adolescent is able to bear children, she is eligible for marriage. The bride price is paid to the father, with cows. The legally binding transaction is negotiated between fathers and uncles. There has been little incentive for parents to encourage girls to attend school. However, Living Water Primary and Abundant Life Primary has an enrollment with one third female students. Galatians 3:28 states, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Happy Independence Day South Sudan!
The world’s newest nation celebrates it’s second birthday.
July 9, 2011, South Sudan became a sovereign nation. After decades of war fought on South Sudan soil, this time of peace is long overdue. The rebuilding is slow, as all infrastructure and resources were demolished. Living Water Community Transformation is working to help the Sudanese people help themselves. Sustainability and restoring dignity are two goals for which we are aiming. Through God’s blessing, and the determination of the South Sudanese people, these goals are being realized in the village of Akot.
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