“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15b.
The American Bible Society recently donated 500 “Good News Bibles” for the children of Living Water Primary and Abundant Life Primary Schools in Akot, South Sudan. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful partner to help us transform this community. Every school day 926 children in our schools participate in Christian Religious Education. Although CRE is a required class in South Sudan schools, it is unheard for students to actually hold and read from their own Bibles. Our children understand this amazing blessing.
More Good News
The rainy season is quickly approaching. The good news is that our first permanent classrooms should be completed before the rains really set in.
Our teachers have somehow managed to produce quality education without a building for the past 8 years. Our students have proven to be among the top ranking pupils in Lakes State. Praise God at least some of our children will soon be under a roof with actual desks, instead of sitting on a log bench under a tree. Thank God for caring donors who have joined Him in His kingdom work in this “utter most part of the earth”. Acts 1:8b.
Living Water Community Transformation is working to help the Sudanese people help themselves. Sustainability and restoring dignity are two goals for which we are aiming. Through God’s blessing, and the determination of the South Sudanese people, these goals are being realized in the village of Akot.