Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
Shoes that Grow for primary school children. Can last 5 years. $20 (need 250 pairs) Good News Bibles for primary school students $10 (need 250) School supplies primary pupils $15 (need 250) Soccer balls for church teams $20. Matches are evangelist events (need 33) Soccer uniforms for church team $80 per team. Matches are evangelistic events. (need 33) Three rabbits for a family to begin a business $30 (need 50 sets) Mosquito nets for families $20 (need 250) Sewing machine for tailoring student $100 (need 20) Desks for adult Bible college students $25 (need 25)
Purchases can be by check and mailed to address below, or by credit card online at website listed below.
Our mailing address is:
Living Water Community Transformation, Inc.
230 Sydney Drive
Goodlettsville, TN 37072