A Jubilant Celebration in Akot


Akot Christian Ministries (aka: Living Water Community Transformation) held their 3rd graduation ceremony on December 5, 2016 in Akot, South Sudan. Reverend Gabriel Amat, Director of Education for Akot Christian Ministries described the event. “The graduation was very colorful. It was attended by over 3000 people. The guests were the chiefs of Akot, and those representing other payams (districts); families of the graduates; and leaders from other NGOs (non-government organizations), such as ACROSS, NPA, and Hope for Humanity. Also present were various organized forces of Akot, and representatives of other payams, such as Police and Prision Services; Wounded Heroes; and community representatives from many churches. The guest of Honor was Rumbek East County Education Director, Mr. Charles Anau.”

The community of Akot and it’s neighboring communities value the accomplishments of the graduates of Living Water Primary School and Abundant Life Primary more than Westerns may comprehend (only 1.9% of the children complete primary school in South Sudan). They are keenly aware of the grave political and economic situation currently facing South Sudan, which has further decreased the number of students who graduate.
A conflict which began in December of 2013 between political leaders has devastated the new nation, and is severely impacting children. Leila Gharagozloo-Pakkala, UNICEF’s Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa stated,“Since the first day of this conflict, children have been the ones most devastatingly affected by the violations.” According to reports by Unicef,”17,000 children have been recruited into armed forces since 2013.” In the same article from Sudan Tribune on December 16, 2016, Gharagozloo-Pakkala stated that an economic crisis had reached 800% inflation since the 2013 conflict began. This has led to malnutrition at emergency levels throughout most of South Sudan. The article goes on to state that the hostilities are expected to worsen in the future.
The community of Akot understands the value of the opportunity for education at this time. They are very thankful to God for the support they are receiving from donors in the US.

Akot Christian Ministries is committed to quality education, and we know that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,” Proverbs 1:7. Our prayer is that we, through your support and God’s blessing, are developing Christian disciples who will become the future leaders of South Sudan. We are standing on the promise from Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Will you help us train these children to put down the spears and pick up their Bibles? You have the opportunity to help change the destiny of a nation and impact the kingdom of God. Your gift will make a difference.

Mail checks to

Living Water Community Transformation, Inc
919 Conference Dr STE 4-255
Goodlettsville, TN 37072

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Door abi to ke yin (Dinka for Peace be with you),
Mama Ayen Maluel (Dinka name for Ann Rao)