Many of you have asked how the food distribution has progressed since the appeal went out in July. My one word summary of the whole endeavor is “wow”. It is amazing to me to watch how God works through His people. It makes me wonder, if He creates or allows dire situations to arise just to display His glory?
The full amount needed to provide food for 1000 people for one month came in within just a few days of the appeal. Many of you sprung into action and responded generously. Some of you actually sent the appeal to your own circle of friends. Also Baptist Global Response, a long time partner of Living Water Community Transformation, donated generously to this mission of mercy.
With the cooperation of the South Sudanese Baptist church leaders, an execution plan was quickly developed to distribute food to the most vulnerable refugees in the camps in Northern Uganda. Orphans, widows, elderly and disabled candidates were identified by the local church leaders from their respective areas of the 100 squire mile radius. Truckloads of maize flour, beans, cooking oil and soap were purchased, transported, delivered, stored,and distributed by a godly team of volunteers. Five leading ladies took the lion share of the responsibility upon themselves. They joyfully shared their stories of God’s provision for the times that they did not know where they would sleep or eat at the end of long days of working far from their homes within the refugee camps.
We received many testimonies from the recipients of the food, explaining how they were blessed. However, my prayer is that everyone who gave, prayed and physically worked on this distribution will be abundantly blessed as well. Most of all I pray that God is blessed by hearing many praises by His people across the globe. Thank you!
“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:12
Testimonies from the Recipients
Jane Wude, a woman with a disability thanked God, so much for the support given. She could never afford all the items she received. She thanked God for all those who made it possible for food to reach them at this difficult time.
Dumo Samuel, an orphan, thanked God for the provisions. He said God had really seen their suffering, and indeed He is the father of the fatherless. He then said, “may God also remember those who have remembered us.”
Yudita Kiden, an elderly woman, extended her appreciation to our sisters and brothers in Christ for the provision of these food items and soap. She said, her strength is now failing and she cannot get these things but God has provided through His people. She said, “may God bless all those who gave.”
Yeno Margret, one of the widows, is very grateful for this support given to her. She explained that two days before, she had been thinking that the ration given to her by UNHCR would be finished in one day’s time. She wondered what her family would eat. She prayed, asking God to help her. The following morning she was called by the pastor of her church to come to the church to verify her name. The next day she was excited to see 10kgs of maize floor, 2.5kgs of beans, a bar of soap, 1 packet of salt and a liter of cooking oil that was given to her. She has come to realize that God is real and that He does answer prayers.
Yudita kade, an elderly woman, thanked God for providing this food. She also wants to thank all those who have contributed to seeing that they are supported. She prays that God will supply and double his blessings upon those who gave to support the elderly, disable, orphans and the widows.
Maring Innocent is a blind boy. He appreciates the support given to them and prays for God’s blessings upon his brothers and sisters in Christ who remembered them in this difficult time.