Parents Appreciate Education


Adults crowded in to hear the teachers at Abundant Life Primary, at the end of the year parent’s meeting. All were anxious to hear the grades, and to have an opportunity to conference with the teachers of their children. There were 265 in attendance in this meeting, while in Maluel, just 2 miles away, another parents meeting for the same purpose was taking place at Living Water Primary School. There were 187 adults in attendance there. And yet a third Akot Christian Ministries learning center in Paloc, The Voice of Hope, hosted a similar end of the year meeting.

This enthusiasm is a paradigm shift in values for this community. Just 8 years ago the teachers had to beg the parents to allow their children to attend school. It is not difficult to understand their reluctance, as survival is very hard, and everyone must contribute to the work of sustaining the family. Children care for infants, carry water, collect firewood and tend livestock. However, now the parents appreciate the long term benefit for their family, community and country, that comes from education. These parents are gladly making sacrifices to allow their children to attend school daily.

It is not only reading, English and math that the parents are appreciating. We frequently hear from parents that they are very pleased with how the children are behaving at home, practicing Christian values they have learned at these Christian primary schools. “We need this school to progress to help change the mind of our children and to let them know that God is their Father, and not to be like us anymore. We sinned a lot”, stated one community leader as he spoke for the parents.

The results are in. We are making a difference in this remote area. We are a small organization and have chosen to put our limited funds into people, instead of buildings. However, the time has come that we must construct permanent classrooms. The rainy season lasts for 6 months, and the sun is brutal in the dry season. We must provide shelter for these children.

There is no way we could have come this far without the faithful support of our ministry partners. Your prayers and financial support has made a huge impact in this community. However, it is time that we have to step out on faith, and do more. Can you help us? The rewards are eternal!
You can make your donation by check or online by going to our website. See below for addresses.

Yin ca leec (Dinka for thank you)
Nhialic abi thiei (Dinka for God bless you),
Mama Ayen (aka: Ann Rao)