“I was just thinking how blessed I am”, posted Peter Malual on Facebook along with a picture of himself plowing in his church garden. When I read this, I wondered if I would have been thinking I was very blessed, if I had to work that hard in temperatures reaching 110 degrees to produce food. Peter is a remarkable young man who is being used by God to accomplish amazing kingdom growth in his sphere of influence.
Read Peter’s story in his own words.

“Longtime a go my grandfather was lived in paloch here,and my father was born here in (1930.at that time there came a drought for almost 3 years without rain and the great famine came in the land,so all the people in different villages of paloch Margate (migrated) from paloch to Akot to survived there by digging the wild groundnut in the ground. From there my father got married to (my) mother and I was born in Timlor near Akot in (1983 during the time war broke out between S Sudanese and Khartoum. I have two sisters and one brother. In (1994 my father and my older sister died in same month,at that time everything is not going well for me because I am in the age of (11 years and am not suppose to take care of my life or family. In (1996 my older brother run away and join the SPLA Army because of the terrible situation in our family.so I remained only with my mother and little sister. During that time I used to cry and cry worried about my life and the life of parent and I did not know Jesus Christ. One day I was visited Akot Baptist mission Hospital I was found all staff of the Hospital singing and pray and there came a white man who told us about Jesus Christ.

Immediately I was convicted by God and used to attended that devotion everyday in the morning till I was told to made benches for Church in my area Titmachar.after i know what so called Jesus Christ everything in my life became easy. from there I became Church leader in Titmachar Baptist church in (2002.In (2004 I was promoted in A position of Pastor.and I went and joined TRT training (train rural trainees) course for one year.in(2009 I also joined another course of two years certificate.and God allowed me to be a cattle camp missionary in (2010.shortly again I became a director for pastoral and Church development. In (2012 I have got married to beautiful wife named Helena Aker Akech, we have 3 children, one boy and two daughters, situation in S Sudan luck (lack) of good Hospital we lose our boy two years a go and remained with two daughters,by named Ariel and Joy.
“Three years ago Peter, Helena, and Joy had to flee Akot along with 600 other families due to sub-clan fighting. The same families who had previously migrated from Paloch fled their homes on foot, taking only what could be carried for 20 miles, back to Paloch. It was during the rainy season, and the families had to huddle under trees until they could create shelters in Paloch. Helena was pregnant and Joy was just a toddler. Life was very difficult for these families. The baby boy Helena delivered did not survive these harsh conditions.

Peter had been pastoring a church, and leading the pastor training classes in Akot, before the family fled Akot. He was also working as a missionary to the cattle camp in Paloch while he lived in Akot. As soon as Peter moved back to Paloch he began planting churches. In the last 3 years he has planted 7 churches in Paloch. Peter now has 22 men in his training classes for church leaders in Paloch. The classes meet twice a week.
Not only is Peter a committed pastor, he is a very dedicated and proud father. He posts pictures regularly of his precious daughters, Joy and Ariel. Just yesterday he posted a picture of the newest beautiful daughter, who was named Nyancebany. “I think all Dinkas will understand this name. She is not rich with money or other things, but rich with her two sisters, because all ladies are hard workers here, maybe her work will become light in future,” posted Peter on Facebook.
It is a joy to have Peter working for Akot Christian Ministries. He is such an inspiration to all of us.
When I read Peter’s post stating he was “thinking how blessed” he was, I thought about Psalm 1:1-3. “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”
I think we can all learn a lot from Peter. He is yielding fruit, and he is prospering.
Next week we celebrate our fathers. If you are looking for a meaningful gift for Father’s Day, please consider giving a donation to LWCT in honor of your father. The multipurpose building in Paloch that is used for worship, pastor training, women’s and men’s discipleship groups, and literacy classes for ladies, is not completed, and there is no water well near the building and church garden.