School in Session in SoSu


Dear SoSu Friends,
I just received this picture this morning, and wanted to share it with you. Despite all of the bad news coming from South Sudan our ministry is able to continue our God given mission, which is transforming a community. Several setbacks have resulted in our not being totally ready to start the academic year. For example the children have yet to be issued their uniforms. However, our sewing ladies are steadfastly trying to get them finished.
Allow me today to introduce one of my most favorite people, “Tomorrow”. Actually his name is Isaac Kon, but he is known as Tomorrow. In 2006, the Lord impressed on my heart that Akot desperately needed a Christian primary school. Because of the longstanding civil war, finding someone who could teach the children to read and write was not easy. Tomorrow was hired as our first teacher at Living Water Primary.

At that time most parents were not interested in sending their children to school, because they were needed at home. Small children traditionally are given an infant to care for at a very early age. In addition to infant care, boys often are assigned to tend cattle. Girls are responsible for carrying water, helping in the garden, and with food preparation.

Tomorrow and Pastor Paul Mayol visited the homes in the area of Maluel, asking parents to allow their children to attend school. The enrollment the first year for “Living Water Primary” was 20. All began in primary level one, even though they were of all ages.

Each year we have added another grade level. This year “Living Water Primary” has primary one through primary eight.
In 2007 we opened a second primary school, “Abundant Life Primary”. This year ALP has primary one through primary seven. The combined enrollment is 600, of which 200 are girls. This is an impressive ratio in South Sudan schools.

Though currently there is much insecurity in the area, the teachers of Akot Christian Ministries are determined to see that the children are continuing to learn. ACM is very blessed to have dedicated teachers, such as Tomorrow.

Even though we have no permanent buildings, our schools are considered the best in the area. Parents place great value in having their children attend ACM schools. Frequently we hear parents say that they appreciate the positive attitude and behavior that our students are displaying in their homes. This feedback in itself is most rewarding to our staff.

We truly see a transformation in the making. The Dinka culture is beautiful, however there is an aggressive warrior trait that is in opposition to the teachings of Christ. Isaiah 18:7 describes the people of Cush as being, “feared far and wide, an aggressive nation”.

We understand that the fruits of our labor may not be realized until sometime in the future, as these children become the leaders of South Sudan. By that time, many of us will be among that “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1), cheering these little ones on as they lead others in the “path of peace” (Luke 1:79).
Please pray for our directors, teachers, guards, cooks, chaplains, nurse, girls counsellor, pastors, driver/mechanic, sewing ladies, women’s ministry, agriculture leaders and our students, as they labor to transform a community for Christ.

If you would like to make a donation you may do this by mailing a check,or by credit card online. See below for addresses.

Yin ca leec (Dinka for thank you)

Nhialic abi thiei (Dinka for God bless you),

Mama Ayen

Living Water Community Transformation, Inc
4301 Gainesborough Ct
Tampa, FL 33624
813 969-3511