Thankful for Food

lw-thanksgiving“Why is Thanksgiving Day always about food?” That is a question that I grumbled about for many years. When I was working as an RN I would always volunteer to work on Thanksgiving Day in hopes that I would be scheduled off on Christmas Day. Thanksgiving seemed like a lot of work, and it was only about food (and football). In recent years God has shown me that this was an ungrateful attitude, coming from someone who had never experienced a lack of food. After spending time with our friends in South Sudan I realized just how important food is to people. The availability of food means life or death for all of us. How blessed we are in this country to have such an abundance of food. We must not take this blessing for granted.

Frankly, I still do not appreciate the “art” of cooking food. However, when I see the intense labor required in South Sudan to produce just enough food to keep people alive, I am convicted about my murmuring attitude. Our friends in South Sudan rejoice when the rains begin, as then they can begin to plow and plant food. They are grateful to be able to use a oxen pulled plow, and to obtain seeds for planting. They give thanks that they have been able to harvest enough ground nuts to keep their families alive until the next harvest, which yields sorghum, and comes a few months later.

Living Water CT operates in South Sudan for the purpose of teaching people about God. I realize that I have learned a lot about God from our friends in South Sudan.

The Board of Directors of Living Water Community Transformation are thankful for you, our faithful prayer and financial supporters. Apostle Paul beautifully states what I would like to say to you. “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people, but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:12.