Welling Up to Eternal Life

Welling Up To Eternal Life

eternal_lifeLast Sunday morning, Gabriel, a student at Abundant Life Primary, led the praise and worship time at this new bush church. This was followed by a Bible study led by school chaplain, Daniel. The main message was given by Pastor Joseph. The service started on time and ended on time. In the dry season there are not any leaves to provide shade for these believers. Temperatures can be over 120 degrees, but yet they come to hear the Good News and give thanks for their daily provisions.

Everyone Who Drinks This Water Will Be Thirsty Again

drink_thirstyJust as the woman in John Chapter 4, many come to the well for water that can not completely satisfy their thirst. There they are offered the Living Water that will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life. Many Sudanese accept the Living Water and become disciples of Jesus. Our prayer is that they will become a spring of Living Water to their family and community. Pray for our brothers and sisters to be strong witnesses, and share their faith even in the midst of their suffering.

A City On A Hill Cannot Be Hidden

The news coming out about the world’s newest nation, South Sudan, appears quite hopeless. However, a team of 5 from the US returned February 27th with a different report. Raymond Lyrene, Ashton Nones, Ann Rao, Don Steen and Gracia Sugantharaj were very encouraged by the progress of the primary schools, women’s ministry, and agriculture project in Akot. A pervasive sense of pride in their community is evident. A two day seminar for pastors and women’s conferences in two different villages were part of the schedule for the week. In addition, the team spent hours with the leaders of the agriculture ministry, construction crew, school nurses, teachers, accounting, sewing teachers, commerce director, school mothers, and various officials and chiefs. We stayed in tents and it was very hot, but this team was very blessed to see the fruit of our labors. The disciples in Akot truly are a “light” in the darkness (Matthew 5:14).

Living Water Community Transformation is working to help the Sudanese people help themselves. Sustainability and restoring dignity are two goals for which we are aiming. Through God’s blessing, and the determination of the South Sudanese people, these goals are being realized in the village of Akot.