As you know from our previous emails, the pandemic has caused a worldwide increased need for food. The demand for food assistance has overwhelmed the United Nations’ ability to manage. Food rations have diminished for the refugees in Northern Uganda. Hunger causes people to do things they would not otherwise do.
In July of this year a young mother was caught stealing maize from a neighbor’s garden. She was arrested and beaten by the authorities. The woman was released and allowed to keep the food. The owner of the garden belongs to a different tribe than the woman. Fighting broke out between the tribesmen and many were killed and more were injured. A large section of the camp was burned, leaving many families bereft of all household and personal belongings. This heartbreaking story was the impetus for Living Water Community Transformation to do an emergency food distribution. But an emergency food distribution is not a sustainable solution to hunger. LWCT was able to acquire 180 acres of land to plant church gardens. Those gardens are flourishing now. Praise the Lord. COVID can’t stop what God does.
Though it seems things have come to a halt due to the pandemic, but be assured that God is at work. He is at work through you. Thank you from the Board of Living Water CT and from many refugees in Uganda. I guess we are all just temporary sojourners, awaiting our home going to our permanent home.
For you (God) have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter form the storm and shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall. (Isaiah 25:4)
Your sister in Christ,
Ann Rao, President