Have you ever stopped to think about how important it is to be able to read?
In South Sudan only 24% of the population is literate. Living Water Community Transformation is committed to making disciples of Christ in South Sudan. Being able to read is critically important in this process. We are teaching Bible truths to adults by using Chronological Bible Storying Method in worship services and weekly discipleship groups. Simultaneously, we are educating children in Christian Primary Schools. Scripture tells us that even Jesus was taught to read. “On the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read.” Luke 4:16 . We are so very proud of the good education that is provided by our dedicated and caring staff of Akot Christian Ministries, but we are concerned about our students who graduate after level 8. Very few will be able to continue their education. As much as we dream and pray about providing secondary education, it is not financially possible for LWCT at this time. There is no secondary school in our immediate area. According to Dr Grant Lovejoy “Students….completing eight years of good quality education may revert to functional illiteracy if they do not keep reading regularly….The phenomenon of reverting to functional illiteracy is well-known among literacy workers.” Orality Journal: The Word Became Flesh, Vol 1, Number 1, 2012 Update. The Extent of Orality , Grant Lovejoy.
In an effort to maintain and even improve reading skills, LWCT established the first media center in Akot in March. Besides the Bible that each student is given, there is nothing else available to read after graduation. There is no newspaper circulated in Akot and no postal service. We desire for our children to “grow in wisdom and stature,” as Jesus did. Luke 2:52.
ACM staff and literate adults in the community are welcome to check out books from our new library. Our new library offers culturally appropriate reading materials for people of all ages.
Other exciting first time happenings that took place in our small speck on the planet in March were: the first large outreach event for women, where ladies were recognized for 10 years of faithful participation in Women’s Discipleship group; the first worship service of the 19th church plant by ACM; and a new Sunday School class for children at New Life Baptist Church.
To God be all the glory!