“South Sudan is in the midst of a catastrophic humanitarian crisis driven by over 4 years of brutal civil war. Half of the population are facing extreme hunger and are indeed of urgent aid,” states Kenyi Alison, Oxfam Emergency Response Officer;” “Hunger Crisis in South Sudan” ” Oxfam International; July 19, 2019.
On July 11th, 12th, & 13th Akot Christian Ministries distributed food in the communities of Paloch, Atiaba and Akot. The most at risk members of the 3 communities were identified. It is impossible to feed all the people who are vulnerable. However, our ACM leaders carefully checked the list of people who previously received food distributed by the World Food Program to make sure this food went to those who had not received help recently. ACM leaders did an outstanding job of methodically handling a potentially dangerous situation. We are so proud of them for demonstrating the loving hands and feet of Jesus to the poor and defenseless in their communities.
The following is an unedited thank you note written by Pastor John Poth. The picture captions are slightly edited for clarity. Hopefully you will be able to hear the hearts of our brothers and sisters in South Sudan as they express their gratitude..
Dear Mama Ayen, Dr. Raymond, Dr. Scott, brothers and sisters in Christ, and to the donors;
As the Administrator for Christian Leadership, allow me to briefly write to you a brief summary on what different beneficiaries of the food God gave us through you had said. The food you have donated to us, came at horrible time of July, a time when most family in south Sudan can missed food for some number of days when
they did not intended to do so, but because of the situation that could force them to spent some days without food or eat from wild vegetable that can in other way causes sickness. we are very thankful to our brothers and sisters who did not closes their hearts to help us. Independent for south Sudan did not come without God’s hands on us and the unforgettable support by our fellow faithful Christians. we really thank you for supporting this ministry of God in Akot to bring the change of moving away from worshiping other gods and to belief in Jesus Christ and His father ” the Almighty one” and change of moving away from dependence on others and become self reliance through education and doing small business by both man and wife in the house.
By option for poor and vulnerable;
If someone who has riches of this world sees his brother in need and closes his heart to him, how does love of God
abide in him? (John 3:17) this principle calls for especial care and attention to poor and vulnerable persons. It stand for positive action on behalf and in favor of the neglected or deprived members of the community. Hence the word ”poor” here is not only limited to those economically deprived but also includes the marginalized persons in the society. the principle is rooted in the bible notion of justice, where God calls us to be advocates for the voiceless and the powerless among us.
we will pray for those who put their hands to donate this food and those who have not manage this time, so that God can provide to them with what they can help the poor. some of the individuals I have talked to are attached with their piece of words.
Stay bless
By Pastor John Poth
“Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.” 2 Corinthians 9:13
Living Water Community Transformation also thanks Baptist Global Response and their donors for the incredible partnership, by which our brothers and sisters in South Sudan benefit. Without BGR, this distribution would not have been possible.
Another food distribution will take place next month. If you would like to be a part of that blessing, please send your check to our postal address, or go to our website to use a credit card.