A Great Way to Start the Year

Commit  to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3
Living Water CT can definitely attest to the truth of that Bible verse. The hymn, “Tis So Sweet to trust in Jesus” is playing in my head as I write this message. The full phrase is sung, “Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I have proved Him o’er and o’er.🎶  I think most mature believers would agree that when God leads and we follow, His plans will come together. Learning to just trust and obey (I feel another hymn coming into my head) is critically important. I am remembering one of my favorite quotes by my favorite pastor, Ken Whitten, “God always pays for what He orders.” Amen and Amen.
 👀 what God has been doing in Palorinya Refugee Settlement this month. 

Bible College Dormitory Completed

Bible College Dorm Rooms for Female Students

Men’s Conference had 58 Attendees

First Meeting for Weekly Bible Club Meeting in Morobi Refugee Camp had 47 Attendees. Expected to Grow to 500 Quickly 

Iboa Baptist Baptizes in the Nile

15 Lives Rededicated at Iboa Baptist

Ebenezer Baptist- Roof by LWCT

Ebenezer Baptist- Walls by Church Members

Celebrate Recovery -15 Attendees

Agape Baptist Church Members Rebuilding Church Walls