After going to Uganda on a mission trip with Ann, my life is forever changed. After going, I feel like I grew up with a blinded perception of our world and the meaning of material things. After spending this time in Uganda I realized just how big this world is and the extent of poverty in third world countries. The happiness and joy there will forever be embedded in my heart though. With what little they have and what they make do with, they still find the ability to express gratitude to everyone and an exuberant happiness that makes you feel as though all you need in life is each other and God. In this time, God put something on my heart that I feel everyone needs to hear and that is, nothing can make us happier than truly knowing God. He fills us up and makes us whole. I am forever grateful to Ann for this experience in a way that will forever make me think twice before complaining or getting upset over small things. I am glad to have had this chance that hopefully everyone can one day get a glimpse of because we are truly little compared to the way God is working in our world.